Sunlit Face; Hand-me-down

Orbiting the sun since 1983

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A list? Let's.

There is a shotgun blast of problems facing our generation. Focus on one and fifty others fly past. I wanted to start a running list of universally accepted problems, and possible solutions. Maybe some patterns will surface. This running list is going to be pretty naive sounding at first, I am hoping to get to the core.

Politicians. We should be able to fire them at any time in their term. There should be harsher penalties for being shitty. It should be a goddamn part time job. We don't need them on the clock all year long, if at all.

Our Food. Its nearly impossible to tell how safe anything is is to eat anymore. On a large part its not produced locally, moving it around wastes energy and money. With various agencies getting paid off on the reg, I question its quality and safeness. For example Monsanto's new cucumbers causing genital baldness.

Thats all I've got for now, I'm already too pissed off to continue.

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